Tadaomi Shibuya @ 新潟市旧三越 (2021.12.02 – )

Tadaomi Shibuya @ 新潟市旧三越 (2021.12.02 – )

Photo: shozzy

Tadaomi Shibuya @ 新潟市旧三越 (2021.12.02 – )

Photo: shozzy

Tadaomi Shibuya @ 新潟市旧三越 (2021.12.02 – )

Photo: shozzy

Tadaomi Shibuya @ 新潟市旧三越 (2021.12.02 – )

Photo: shozzy

Tadaomi Shibuya @ 新潟市旧三越 (2021.12.02 – )

Photo: shozzy

Tadaomi Shibuya @ 新潟市旧三越 (2021.12.02 – )

Photo: shozzy

Tadaomi Shibuya @ 新潟市旧三越 (2021.12.02 – )

Photo: shozzy


Past, Present and Future


The Niigata Magistrate’s Office used to be located on the site of the former Mitsukoshi. The first Magistrate of Niigata was Nagataka Kawamura. He was responsible for establishing a fire-fighting system, building erosion-control forests and regulating public morals for the benefit of Niigata prefecture. He was also instrumental in establishing a defense base in Niigata against the foreign ships that started to emerge during this period in the region of the Sea of Japan.
This mural was inspired by the historic motif of the armor said to have been created for Kawamura at a cost of 300 Ryō (Ryō was a gold currency unit used in pre-Meiji period. This has since been replaced with a currency unit “Yen”). The colour scheme of this work reflects the colours of Kawamura’s amour, which was said to be blue and black.
With Niigata known for anime and manga, the artist has drawn Kawamura as a futuristic super robot to represent his power as a warrior in his historical context.
To think about the future is to know the past. It is hoped that this work will help children to reaffirm the beauty of Niigata and encourage them to build a bright future for themselves.

Size: 5m x 2.3m (197in x 91in)

Booster: STYLE DRIVE Co., Ltd.


Tadaomi Shibuya | 澁谷忠臣

幅広いモチーフを直線と面で再構築する独自の世界観を持つアーティスト。その作風は、幼少の頃のロボットアニメと、HIPHOPやブレイクビーツ、日本の伝統的な様式美に強い影響を受け、音楽と平面表現の接点を模索する中で構築された。その独自のスタイルで、2008年にGIVENCHYのエンブレムデザイン、2011年、NIKE AIR JORDAN CP3.IVのポスター、Tシャツなどビジュアル全般を担当し、同時にKobe Bryant や Lebron Jamesのイラスト、Tシャツデザインを行なった。.2012年には、レッドスキンズのRGIIIのイラストが米ワシントンポスト特別号の一面を飾っている。また2013年にはJORDAN BRANDからの依頼でマイケルジョーダンの88年スラムダンクコンテスト優勝を記念したTシャツのデザインした。
2014年には、ANARCHYメジャーデビューアルバム「NEW YANKEE」のジャケットイラストを手がけ、2018年はGUとのカプセルコレクション、”EYES LOVE TOKYO”が話題を呼んだ。 また、2020年、MIZUNOとの共同開発による、日本代表ユニホームのデザインが発表された。

Tadaomi Shuibuya is an internationally renowned artist both in the luxury and street style market. He is continuously in high demand by a wide variety of brands for his infamously unique style of rectilineal work and has collaborated with luxury brands including Hermes, Givenchy, Gucci as well as Nike (including Nike Jordan) and Addidas, G-Shock and Uniqulo. He is also highly sought after by major Japanese anime publishers such as Bandai. He also recently designed the pattern of the uniform worn by the Japanese Olympic team at the Tokyo Olympics 2020.

HP: http://tadaomishibuya.jp
Instagram: @tadaomishibuya
Twitter: @tadaomishibuya
linktree: tadaomishibuya


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A Touch of Art “NFT Walls” 01 w/t Tadaomi Shibuya