Alexone Dizac @ 万代島旧水揚場跡地 in Niigata (2016.03.13 – 2017.07.03)

Alexone Dizac @ 万代島旧水揚場跡地 in Niigata (2016.03.13 – 2017.07.03)

Photo: Go Matsumoto (GROUNDRIDDIM)

Alexone Dizac @ 万代島旧水揚場跡地 in Niigata (2016.03.13 – 2017.07.03)
Alexone Dizac @ 万代島旧水揚場跡地 in Niigata (2016.03.13 – 2017.07.03)

Photo: shozzy

Alexone Dizac @ 万代島旧水揚場跡地 in Niigata (2016.03.13 – 2017.07.03)

Photo: shozzy

Alexone Dizac @ 万代島旧水揚場跡地 in Niigata (2016.03.13 – 2017.07.03)

Photo: shozzy


2016年3月開催の「にいがた酒の陣」、4月開催の「G7新潟農業大臣会合」を控えた万代島港湾地区にて「賑わい創出社会実験」の一環として、国内アーティストのMAHARO、Mon、澁谷忠臣、G7参加国のフランスからAlexone Dizacの4名を招き旧水揚場にミューラルアートの制作を行いました。

Creation of Bustling in Bandaijima, Niigata-city Pilot Program
Invite domestic artist like MAHARO, Mon, Tadaomi Shibuya and Alexone Dizac from France and created mural art at Bandaijima harbor district as a part of “Creation of Bustling Pilot Program” to gearing up for “Niigata Sakenojin” in March, “G7 Niigata Agriculture Ministers’ Meeting” in April, both in 2016.
Niigata-city is designated as National Strategic Special Zones for large-scale farming in 2014. Aspire to create world of peace and happiness, “The Sun” the center of creation themed art piece was born at fromer landing spot in front of Toki Messe in Niigata-city, the venue for G7 Niigata Agriculture Ministers’ Meeting

Size: 25m x 4m (984in x 157in) / 100m x 7m (3937in x 275in)

Sponsor: 新潟市 (担当:まちづくり推進課) | STYLE DRIVE Co., Ltd.


Alexone Dizac
幼少期の80年代後半にグラフィティというカルチャーと出会い、90年代の中盤を“Oedipe”というアーティスト名でタギングやカリグラフィーなどを独学しながら過ごす。 そして、2000年から自身の創り出すポップで怪奇なキャラクター群を作品の中に入れ込むようになり、アーティスト名を現在の“Alexone”と命名する。 彼のポップでイルなイラスト群は、すぐに多くの人の目を惹くようになり 2005年には、ベルギーはブリュッセルの美術館 Alice Galleryでの個展を開き 現地のクリエイター達から多大なる評価を受け、ベルギーのグラフィティチーム GM (Gentle Men)への参加も果たす。 現在は、スプレー缶からアクリルペンキ、鉛筆と紙など 手法や道具を問わず、多くの作品や壁画を残し続けている。 これから益々世界から注目の集まるヨーロッパクリエイターの1人である。

Being fascinated with graffiti culture when he was a kid in late 1980s, taught himself tagging and calligraphy and spent his mid 90s under the name of Oedipe. Since around 2000, pop yet eccentric character that he creates started to appear on his pieces and started using current artist name Alexone since. His unique style of illustrations attract people’s attention instantly and by 2005 he had his exhibition at Alice Gallery in Brussels, Belgium. This exhibition marked high rating especially by local creators and that had led him join the Belgium’s respected graffiti crew Gentle Men. Aerosol can, acrylic paint, penciled or paper, regardless of style, method or gear, he keeps creating his pieces and mural arts. He is definitely one of the European creator that world is paying attention to.



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A Touch of Art in Niigata with MAHARO, MON, Tadaomi Shibuya & Alexone Dizac | Video Director: Go Matsumoto (GROUNDRIDDIM)

G-SHOCK presents NIIGATA CUT IN PARK | Video Director: Hideaki Tsubaki (Grid)



Alexone Dizac @ 万代島旧水揚場跡地 in Niigata (2016.03.13 – 2017.07.03)

Alexone Dizac – Les Vides Denses