
「それっぽい」もの が当たり前になったいまだからこそ原点を忘れないその姿勢はヒップホップの枠を越え多くの人々に支持され、ライブペイントなどはもちろんDJ SARASAやKOHH、Tuxedoのラインスタンプや、高校生RAP選手権のロゴデザインなど、メジャーからアンダーグラウンドまで幅広くデザインやアートワークを手がけ、多方面で活躍しつつNEWYORKでの個展や日本での展示を通しその世界観をさらに広め、活動の幅を広げ続けている。
Gospel was introduced to Hip Hop in 1992 and graffiti inspired him. As a child, he was into manga and drawing which lead him to be a self-taught illustrator.
Gospel always remembers his roots. His style focuses on unique characters with warmth that are not affected by trends. They are beyond our imaginings of cliche Hip Hop.
From painting at live events, to creating apparel designs, album art, and logos for commercial and emerging projects – Gospel’s, “Never forget the basics” style is appreciated by a variety of audiences that expand his art around the globe.
Instagram : @gospel_art