Mon Koutaro Ooyama

1979年生まれ。奈良県在住のアーティスト。壁画・ライブペイント・イラストレーションや、アートプロジェクトの企画・監修・演出など、東京と大阪を拠点に活動中。これまでに、Facebook Japan本社の壁画、NIKE本社の壁画、アートプロジェクト#BCTIONの企画・監修、ライブペイントデュオDOPPELの活動や、また、Yabugarashi 名義でDJやトラック制作などを行ってきた。
MON, born in 1979, living in Nara prefecture. Mural art, live painting, illustration along with planning numerous art projects, being its editorial supervisor and a director. His primary launch pad for his art activities are based in Osaka and Tokyo. His incredible catalog includes mural art at Facebook Japan head office, NIKE headquarter, planned art project #BCTION and being its editorial supervisor, as well as live painting artists duo DOPPEL’s work. His talent is not only known in art world but also in music industry as a DJ and a beat maker under the name of Yabugarashi.
Instagram: @mondotooo