HITOTZUKI @ 新潟市万代クロッシング
Since opening of first Bandai Bridge (Bandaibashi) in 1886, Niigata’s intercommunion and commodity distribution had gotten very active. Former Nagaokahan Niigatamachi on current Furumachi side and former Shibatahan Nuttarimachi on Niigata Station side finally buried their differences that had been caused by descent difference and unified the sphere of human habitation. This fact had become the foundation of modern Niigata’s development. Current Bandai Bridge (Bandaibashi) which is the third generation, had been designated as a cultural asset of national importance since 2004, and loved by locals as a symbol of Niigata-city. Based on this historical background, “connect” is set to theme and captured “relationship”, “connection between inhabitant and community”, and “stream of time from past to current” into the piece.
- クライアント: 白山市場商業協同組合
- ブースター: STYLE DRIVE Co., Ltd.
- アーティスト: HITOTZUKI
- 完成日: 2016.11.12 – 壁面消失: 2020.03.20
- サイズ: 21m x 3m (826in x 118in)
Photo: Takashi Hirama
HIDDEN CAMPION #44 Spring 2017